Public prosecutor presents 8 "facts" about Trillanes

Combined photo of Public Prosecutor Darwin Canete (from his Facebook account) / Senator Antonio Trillanes IV (photo from ABS CBN)

Public prosecutor Darwin Cañete on a Facebook post presented eight “facts” about embattled Senator Antonio Trillanes IV whose amnesty was voided recently by President Rodrigo Duterte though Proclamation 572 – for non-compliance with the minimum requirements to qualify under the Amnesty Proclamation.

The amnesty for Trillanes was granted to him in January 2011 by former president Noynoy Aquino.

On his Facebook post, Cañete pointed out that Trillanes has not been made fully accountable of his previous actions – that includes the Oakwood Mutiny incident during former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s time.

Also, former Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin is also now being questioned over usurpation of authority for prescribing and allowing amnesty to Trillanes

screen-capped image of Cañete's Facebook post

These are just among the issues mentioned by the public prosecutor on his post, as stated below:

Fact..the Oakwood Mutiny happened.

Fact....He has not been made fully accountable for it.

Fact...Noynoy has not satisfactorily explained the basis why he should not be held fully accountable for the crime.

Fact... Noynoy himself did not sign the Amnesty Certificate..

Fact...The Constitutional power of Amnesty rests in the presidency and there is no precedent or basis for delegation.

Fact... No proclamation, authority, decree or law exists where Noynoy delegated the authority to Gazmin.

Fact..The Amnesty concurrence by Congress is CONDITIONAL, meaning it is inoperative if the conditions are not explicitly fulfilled. It is interpreted strictly against the beneficiary.

Fact...Under rules on evidence, the primary documents are proof of compliance. Simply showing their duplicate receiving copies should have sufficed. For such an important document, the public has not been given an explanation why he cannot produce the same.

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